
3 Alternative way of Step2 – 4 is to hold down the camera button and plugging USB cable connected to the PC.

In order to access to your mobile phone, you need a tool and also a simple trick which will be mentioned in this document.免責: このドキュメントではSPV C550のROMをカスタマイズする手順を非公式に説明します。本書に記述されている内容は一切保…

2 If you have already customized the rom, this will take you back to the customized rom status, not the actual factory settings. If you wish to get back to factory settings, you would need to use your back up and rewrite the ROM again.

The contents of SD Card will also be erased and original folders/files would be written after this process. To avoid this, simply unload the SD Card before resetting. (In some cases with customized ROMs, it’s been reported that original fo…

1 If you keep pressing down the power button, it would run normal boot. Just gently press the power button and let it go. Also, the power button won’t be active for a few seconds after you put your battery in – be patient.

今日はうにスパゲティとからすみスパゲティが名物なVictoria駅近くの「Olivo」にて同僚と食事。日本から来たばかりの二人にはあまりウケず涙。しかし知る限りロンドンベスト3のスパゲティ屋のはず!!Olivo さて、本日は頑張って書いてみました。「はじめに…